How PMS Is Affecting You And What You Can Do About It

How PMS Is Affecting You And What You Can Do About It

A woman’s body experiences a number of physical and emotional changes throughout her monthly cycle. Certain symptoms that appear in the days before menstruation are often referred to as Premenstrual Syndrome.

The variation in hormone levels prior to menstruation can cause anxiety, depression, irritability, sleep problems, bloating, sore breasts, acne, headaches and more. It’s easy to see that regularly experiencing any or all of these symptoms can negatively impact a woman’s life—her relationships, her work, her mental health, and more.

So how does a woman really deal with her PMS symptoms and make positive changes?


Keep Track

Whether in a journal, a day planner, or on an app, keep track of your cycle and when you experience certain symptoms. This will help you listen to and understand your body better.


Take It Seriously

There is plenty of old school advice that will encourage you to either brush PMS off as no big deal or “just how it is,” but it is neither of those things. PMS is a sign that all is not well in your delicate hormone balance and it doesn’t have to stay that way.


Roll With The Rhythm

Our culture has not fully embraced the reality that a woman’s body fluctuates more than a man’s body. Recognizing and appreciating that certain times of the month are better for productivity and others are better for rest would be a valuable way to honor your body’s natural cycle.


Choose Nutrient-dense Foods

A diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds will help keep your body nourished and plenty of fibre will support your body in getting rid of hormones like estrogen when they are done their task.


Add Beneficial Supplements

Calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, fatty acids, and chasteberry have all been shown to reduce PMS symptoms in their own ways. Don’t allow yourself to get depleted in these valuable nutrients.



Movement and increasing heart rate boost positive hormones which help counteract some of the negative impacts of PMS.


See A Naturopath

Along with some of the suggestions in this article, a naturopath may suggest bioidentical hormones to get things back on track. If your family doctor is open to discussing natural options, that’s great, but if not, see a naturopath to discuss your best options for thriving.

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