Potassium Iodide: The Difference Between Low vs. High Doses
Potassium Iodide (KI) is a salt of stable iodine used to iodize salt and as a medication or dietary supplement for thyroid health.
You may notice different dosages of potassium iodide supplements at your local health food store and wonder what the differences are. Let's take a look at the options:
1. General thyroid protection:
Lower doses of potassium iodide are used in cases of overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) and to prevent iodine deficiency. It is also helpful for a skin condition called sporotrichosis.
You can find New Roots Potassium Iodide 800mcg capsules here.
2. Emergency use:
Higher doses of potassium iodide are used as a thyroid blocking agent for use in nuclear emergencies which involve the release of radioiodine. Not for daily use; for nuclear emergency use only.
You can find New Roots Potassium Iodide 65mg tablets here.
Take as directed by a public official if a nuclear emergency should happen. Take just before or shortly after exposure to radioiodine.