Why Fiber Is Necessary For the Digestive System

Why Fiber Is Necessary For the Digestive System

Have you ever wondered why fiber is necessary for the digestive system?

Fiber plays an important roll in our bodies, it helps to regulate our bowel movements, removes waste and it can slow down digestion so you are able to absorb vital nutrients. But what exactly is it? Fiber is the indigestible part of plant foods, such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains. Through the process of digestion, your body breaks carbohydrates from plant foods into sugar molecules, which are then utilized for energy. The parts of the plant that your body can’t break down — the fibre — then passes through your system undigested and is excreted in the form of stool, which helps to keep you regular.

There are two types of dietary fiber – soluble and insoluble. 

Soluble fiber can be dissolved in water so it forms a gel in the intestines. It binds fats and stays longer in the gut allowing sugar from digested foods to be released and absorbed more slowly. Soluble fiber is found in fruit and vegetables, oats, barley, psyllium, flaxseed, slippery elm and in legumes.

Insoluble fiber, often described as “roughage,” does not dissolve in water and is more resistant to digestion. This allows it to be fermented by bacteria to produce special fatty acids needed for the health of the gut wall. It helps to prevent constipation by producing bulky stools, speeding bowel transit time and helps to move toxins through the large intestine more quickly.  Insoluble fiber is found in wheat bran, rice bran, the skins of fruits and vegetables, nuts and dried beans, and grains such as brown rice, millet or quinoa.

Both types are important and provide a variety of health benefits, such as:

Improved digestion – Adds bulk to stool and speeds up the process of eliminating waste which promotes regular bowel movements and prevents constipation.

Detoxification – Binds many toxins in the digestive tract and escorts them safely out of the body.

Heart health – Reduces the risk of heart disease by binding to excess cholesterol and helping to excrete it.

Blood sugar balance – Slower digestion time prevents spikes and dips in blood sugar levels.  Fibre also helps to reduce sugar cravings because it takes longer to absorb sugar in the blood stream so it will keep you full for longer.

Intestinal health – Helps to balance the pH level in intestines to prevent bacterial overgrowth and other digestive disorders.

Stronger immunity – Easily fermented by beneficial bacteria in the gut, helping to keep harmful bacteria in check and supporting strong immune function.

Weight loss – Helps you to feel full for longer and aids in appetite suppression, leaving you feeling more full and satisfied with your meals thus decreasing snacking and cravings.

Fiber is one indigestible nutrient that is necessary for the digestive system and plays a vital role in a healthy diet. Be sure to include a variety of high fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and legumes in your diet so you can reap all the benefits of moving things along.


Now that we have all of the information on why fiber is so important to our digestive system, lets take a look at a diet that includes the benefits of high fiber, low sugar, low carbs and high fat! https://www.herbesthealth.com/blogs/news/what-is-the-ketogenic-diet

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